Saturday, March 06, 2004

A small addition.

One more thing about marriage that everyone should know:
First of all, our fights are terrible. I'm everything short of what you thought you'd never be with her, and she with me. We care, but only a little. It is terrible. The arguments are terrible. I see my fifth date with Amanda when we said, "I know we'll argue, I just don't know what it will be about". I think we were both thinking that if this were true, when we fought it would be few and far between. Like maybe we'd fight 10% of the time, or less. I think we fight less, but I think it doesn't matter. They are terrible, nonetheless, and neither of us would lose sleep if we never had one again.
I think the real reason that we need to see how terrible they are is to see why. Why they are so terrible is because every other time is so great. The argument, in contrast to the rest of our life, is so revolting. We love each other so wholly any other time that when we argue it is so disgusting and uncharacteristic, we are abhorrent at the idea that the other person would drag us in to this terrible situation, and what's worse, not support us while we are in it.
And I think that's what's good. If the arguments didn't mean anything, we'd have a problem. But they do mean something, and sometimes everything.
I love her, and she loves me, and we do that more than anything else.
That's what everyone should know about marriage.