Thursday, September 22, 2005

Goodbye, hometown

This is the reason I still have a blog. Every once in a while something is worth writing about. Unfortunately, this is one of the saddest reasons I could be writing.
I was raised in the city of Port Arthur, Texas. The hospital I was born in, the house I was raised in, both of my grandparents' houses when I was a kid, all the places I rode my two speed bicycle, all of that is still there.
I could cope with Houston and Galveston. I only went to those places once or twice a year. Insensitive? Not really. Just not as close to home.
Then she started veering east. A little at a time.
Check out the maps yourself. Read where Rita will now hit the coast. My home town. My memories.
I never brought Amanda there, and now it is something I regret. What if all those things are gone? Look what Katrina did to Mississippi. For those of you who think it might be alright, let me reiterate. PORT Arthur.
Oh, and then it will come through east Texas.