Thursday, February 05, 2004

We all know I'm saving for the honeymoon

Money is tight here in janitor land. With the upcoming nuptials to Miss Amanda Hougham of Grand Prairie ISD, I am having to pinch pennies. This means no Freeze Your Fanny ride, a local bike ride every year in East Texas. This will be my first time to miss it since I've started riding my road bike. But then again, this is only my second year being a Roadie. But, I think it should all be worth it, because by my countdown, as of 5pm today, I will be only 9 days away from the end of sexual frustration. Yippee!

The 20 mile commute from Diana, Texas to Longview, Texas has gotten a lot easier. Especially since I live with my dad in East Mountain now. The ride is 4 miles closer, so no more 20 mile bike rides in the morning. Oh, and did I mention my dad works across the street? That means he gives me a ride to work in his car. No more bike rides at all, so far. I'm so lazy; soon I will also be fat.
Still sad about Jesse. Call it whining if you want to. But if you do, it's because you suck. Jesse rocked and you know it.