Monday, February 09, 2004


I woke up this morning on my dad's couch with a headache. The headache is still here, but so is the knowledge that this will be the last time I have to sleep on a couch for a while.
I also think that I eat too much sugar.
At 3:30 today I get to leave work, which is great, because I think that my brain is either eating itself or starting to cook some vital remembrances to keep itself from completely exploding in my last days on this job. I've been keeping myself partially entertained by taking pictures with my new digital camera I got for the wedding, and then partially entertained by trying to appear as if I were actually working.
Oh and for those of you who read the comic strip "Curtis" yesterday, here's the real history of the harmonica.

Thomas Edison's first recording was him saying "Mary had a little lamb..."