Monday, April 19, 2004

Welcome Back.

...Who'da thought they'd lead ya, back here where we needya?...

4 months. I finally get to move to Dallas, and I might get to stay here 4 months.
(Welcome back.) You want to pretend the reason you don't move back to Longview is because of money. Then you realize you could make more money in Longview, and the cost of living is lower. (Your dreams where your ticket out.)
Why haven't you found a job in Dallas? Maybe it's for the very reason you couldn't originally find one in Longview. Maybe its because it would make you stay in Dallas. (Welcome Back)
No, maybe your music ministry is pulling you back. (To that same old place that you laughed about.)
(Well the names have all changed since you hung around.) So the church I'm interning at wants to call me as their music minister. (But those dreams have remained, and they're turned around.) Its not as bad as it sounds having to move back to Longview.(Who'da thought they'd lead ya...) Kinda like a "sheep in wolves clothing."(Back here where we need ya?)
(Yeah we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot...)So laugh my fellow Sweat Hogs. I may be coming home. (Welcome back, Welcome back, Oh kill me I never even got to go to Six Flags.)