Friday, March 04, 2005

William James would've seen this coming.

My life is becoming too complicated to be of any interest to me anymore.

In November 2003 my motorcycle broke down. I decided that I didn't need it and let it sit while I rode a bike everywhere, no less than 20 miles a day.
I was so poor, I couldn't afford meat so my dad would take me out on Wednesdays to feed me. The rest of the time I ate rice, beans, and canned vegetables. And oatmeal.
I lived in the woods in rural East Texas with my best friend outside of my marriage. We only had *some* heat. We wore our jackets and could see our breath inside the house. It was only about 500 square feet.

If you think all of that is written more simply than I'd usually write, you are correct. You are also totally missing to point.
Pragmatism is creeping up on me again.
Thank you God.